
Course Duration

14.0 hr(s)

Course Overview

“Anyone can steer the ship, but it takes a leader to chart the course.”

Leaders touch a heart before they ask for a hand. Based on John C. Maxwell’s favourite leadership resources “Developing the Leader Within You” and “The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership“, understand the Four Leadership Disciplines and discover intrinsic motivations for those you lead. Explore the key building blocks of trust and practice the behaviours required to effectively lead yourself and others. Learn to incorporate the 5-step equipping process to mentor high potentials on your team.

Courses Schedule

Next available schedule

Course Objectives

  • Develop an understanding of the Four Leadership Disciplines and the behaviours associated with them
  • Assess leadership strengths and weaknesses
  • Determine action steps to taken to integrate The 21 Laws into day-to-day activities
  • Develop and practice the behaviours required to effectively lead yourself and others

Course Outline

Module 1:

  • Introduction to Living the Laws of Leadership
    > Leadership Growth Areas

Module 2:

  • I’m A Guide
    > Management Philosophy vs. Leadership Philosophy
  • The Law of Influence
  • The Law of Respect
  • The Law of Magnetism
    > Creating Your Leadership CORE
  • The Law of Process

Module 3:

  • I’m A Partner
  • The Law of Solid Ground
    > The Building Blocks of Trust
    > Integrity
    > Authenticity Assessment
  • The Law of Buy-In
  • The Law of Connection
    > Self-Discovery Assessment
    > The 7 Styles of Leadership
  • The Law of Addition
    > Relationship Assessment

Module 4:

  • I’m A Results Champion
  • The Law of Victory
  • The Law of Navigation
  • The Law of Intuition
  • The Law of The Lid
  • The Law of Priorities
    > The Time – Results Paradox
    > The 80 / 20 Principle
  • The Law of Timing
  • The Law of Empowerment
  • The Law of Big Mo

Module 5:

  • I’m A Leader-Maker
  • The Law of The Inner Circle
    > The Five-Step Equipping Process
  • The Law of The Picture
    > Moving from Mentorship to Apprenticeship
    > Empowerment Execution
  • The Law of Explosive Growth

Module 6:

  • Creating a Leadership Legacy
  • The Law of Legacy

Workshops are facilitated by a local trainer, accredited by The John Maxwell Company.

Certificate Obtained and Conferred by

Participants will be awarded with a Certificate of Attendance by The John Maxwell Company.

New Details


Nett Course Fees: $900.00 (before GST)
Prices are exclusive of GST and subject to other LHUB miscellaneous fees

When you sign in to your SkillsConnect account, please use the course reference number CRS-N-0031385 to find this course.

[For Corporate Customers Only]

ETSP Scheme Course Fees: $65.00 [This course fee is only applicable for corporate customers who are under the ETSP scheme]

[Prices are exclusive of GST and subject to other LHUB miscellaneous fees]


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