
Course Duration

16.0 hr(s)

Course Overview

Acquire the skills required to manage workplace diversity through understanding different functions and diversity, and creating a positive work environment for diverse work teams to leverage on diverse experiences to maximise efficiency and synergy towards a common goal. It also includes managing a diverse work team by establishing an effective communications system, and employing effective strategies in communication and conflict resolution.

Hybrid Work Environment

Managers are increasingly expected to manage diverse teams across separate workplace boundaries.  Acquire skills required to manage workplace diversity through understanding different functions and diversity to create a positive physical and virtual work environment for work teams to leverage on their diverse experiences to maximise efficiency and synergy towards a common goal. It also includes managing a diverse work team by establishing an effective communications system, and employing effective strategies in communication and conflict resolution in a hybrid work environment.

Courses Schedule

Next available schedule

Course Objectives

On completion of this unit, the participant will be able to perform the following:

  • Assess diversity issues that have implications on a work team working towards common goals and objectives
  • Align diverse work teams towards common goals and objectives
  • Examine the differences among the background of members in a diverse work team and their implications on maximizing team effectiveness and synergy
  • Establish a positive work culture in a diverse work team
  • Moderate diverse perspectives and opinions across team members from different disciplines and cultures
  • Establish a system to facilitate communication among members within a diverse work team

Hybrid Work Environment

On completion of this unit, the participant will be able to perform the following:

  1. Assess diversity issues that have implications on a hybrid work team working towards common goals and objectives
  2. Align diverse hybrid work teams towards common goals and objectives
  3. Examine the differences among the background of members in a diverse work team and their implications on maximizing team effectiveness and synergy
  4. Establish a positive work culture in a diverse work team functioning across different workspace
  5. Moderate diverse perspectives and opinions across team members from different disciplines and cultures
  6. Establish a system to facilitate communication among members within a diverse work team functioning in a hybrid work environment


These are the admission requirements:

  • Be able to speak, listen, read and write English at a proficiency level not lower than the Employability Skills Workforce Skills Qualification (ES WSQ) Workplace Literacy (WPL) Level 4
  • Be able to manipulate numbers at a proficiency level not lower than the ES WSQ Workplace Numeracy (WPN) Level 4

Certificate Obtained and Conferred by

Statement of Attainment (SOA) from SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG)

New Details

Medium of Instruction & Trainer

Trainer: Trainee Ratio is 1:20


  Individual Sponsored Non-SME SME
  w/o GST w GST w/o GST w GST w/o GST w GST
Original Course Fee  $500.00  $535.00  $500.00  $535.00  $500.00  $535.00
Singapore Citizens & PRs aged 21 years and above  $260.00  $295.00  $260.00  $295.00    
Singapore Citizens aged 40 years and above  $50.00  $85.00  $50.00  $85.00    
Enhanced Training Support for SMEs Companies (90%) **          $50.00  $85.00

Terms and conditions apply. NTUC LearningHub reserve the right to make changes or improvements to any of the products described in this document without prior notice.

Prices are subject to other LHUB miscellaneous fees.

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