
Course Duration

7.0 hr(s)

Mode of Assessment

• Written Exam • Case Studies

Who Should Attend

General cleaners who are exposed to occupational risk and learn how to prevent and respond to workplace injuries.

Course Overview

Aids you to participate in promoting WSH culture building programmes by adhering WSH Policies and Procedures and reporting unsafe behaviour and practices.

It will in turn helps businesses and companies to analyse incidents and facilitate the identification of root causes and corrective actions.


Courses Schedule

Next available schedule

Course Objectives

You will be able to:

  1. Respond to incidents in accordance with organisation WSH procedures.
  2. Report incidents to internal stakeholders and Cordon off and preserve the incident site for investigation.
  3. Support WSH incident investigation


  • No prior experience or knowledge required.
  • Keen to learn a new skillset and able to involve in basic oral or written communication also require the trainees to handle the routine entry level job.

Course Outline

  1. Type of incidents and accidents
  • Identify the various types of WSH incidents and accidents such as near misses, minor injuries, major injuries, serious injuries, fatalities, dangerous occurrences, etc.
  1. Respond to incidents.
  • Provide immediate response to any WSH Incidents and accidents such as arrival to the incident scene, arrange for medical aid to the injured, stabilize the incident/accident scene, advice on stop work, etc.
  • Secure the incident/ accident scene for e.g. cordon off the area, display the warning/ caution signs, preserve the evidences, etc.
  • Notify and report to the internal stakeholders such as management on the incident/ accident
  1. WSH Incident Investigation
  • Assist in conducting investigation such as interviewing witnesses, collecting physical evidence and relevant documents such as risk assessment and safe work procedures, etc. and recommend corrective actions and preventive actions to address the root cause of incidents

Certificate Obtained and Conferred by

  • Statement of Attainment (SOA) from SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG)

New Details

Medium of Instruction & Trainer

  • Trainer : Trainee Ratio is 1: 20


  Individual Sponsored Company Sponsored
      Non-SME   SME  
  w/o GST w GST w/o GST w GST w/o GST w GST
Original Course Fee  $175.00  $187.25  $175.00  $187.25  $175.00  $187.25
Singapore Citizens & PRs aged


21 years and above

 $56.00  $68.25  $56.00  $68.25  $17.50  $29.75
Singapore Citizens aged 40


years and above

(Mid-Career Enhanced Subsidy)

 $17.50  $29.75  $17.50  $29.75  $17.50  $29.75


SkillsConnect Code: –

Individual Sponsored

  • Eligible Singapore Citizens can use their SkillsFuture Credit to offset course fee payable after funding
  • Eligible Singapore Citizens can use their PSEA funds to offset course fee payable after funding
  • NTUC Union Members can use their UTAP Funding to offset course fee only after full deduction from their SkillsFuture Credit and PSEA funds (where applicable)

Company Sponsored

  • Absentee Payroll claimable by Non-SMEs: Up to 80% of hourly basic salary capped at $4.50/hr
  • Absentee Payroll claimable by SMEs: Up to 90% of hourly basic salary capped at $7.50/hr

SkillsFuture Credit

  • Eligible Singapore Citizens can use their SkillsFuture Credit to offset course fee payable after SSG funding

Union Training Assistance Programme (UTAP)

  • NTUC members enjoy UTAP* benefit of up to $250 each year when you sign up for courses with NTUC LearningHub

* UTAP supports 50% of the course fees paid cap at $250 per year. You must be a union member throughout the course duration and at the time of claim. You must achieve a minimum of 75% attendance for each application and have sat for all prescribed examinations. Other terms and conditions apply.

Terms and conditions apply. NTUC LearningHub reserve the right to make changes or improvements to any of the products described in this document without prior notice.

Prices are subject to other LHUB miscellaneous fees.

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