SkillsFuture Qualification Award (SQA)


The SkillsFuture Qualification Award (SQA), formerly known as CET Qualification Award (CQA) aims to encourage workers to attain full qualifications which will equip them with comprehensive and robust sets of skills to perform their jobs competently, pursue career progression and explore new job opportunities.

  • Singapore Citizens who successfully complete and are awarded a WSQ Diploma/Specialist Diploma/Graduate Certificate/Graduate Diploma are eligible for CQA of $1,000.
  • Singapore Citizens who successfully complete and are awarded a WSQ Certificate/Higher Certificate/Advanced Certificate are also eligible for CQA of $200.
Date of Attainment
Between 1 March 2011 and 31 December 2015 From 1 January 2016

First-time attainment of either of the following WSQ full qualification ($200 Award):

  • Certificate
  • Higher Certificate
  • Advanced Certificate

Every attainment of any of the following WSQ full qualification ($200 Award):

  • Certificate
  • Higher Certificate
  • Advanced Certificate

First time attainment of either of the following WSQ full qualification ($1,000 Award):

  • Diploma
  • Specialist Diploma

Every attainment of any of the following WSQ full qualification ($1,000 Award):

  • Diploma
  • Specialist Diploma
  • Graduate Certificate
  • Graduate Diploma

For more details about the scheme, visit SSG Website.