Consultancy Services
Consultancy Services
WSH Consultancy
Services available:
- bizSAFE
- General WSH Services in Industry
- Occupational Health/Hygiene
- Training
bizSAFE 3Under Workplace Safety and Health Act, all workplaces need to conduct a risk assessment and bizSAFE 3 is one such level that every enterprise may arrange consultant for preparing Risk Management documentation and get it audited by an approved auditor. By doing so your company would have addressed risk in the workplace and will be able to provide a safe and healthy environment to all its employee.
bizSAFE Star
To raise the bar of Workplace Safety and Health and become player in the market to promote safety and health in the workplace, your organisation should embark on getting a higher level of certification i.e. bizSAFE Star recognition. bizSAFE Star allows your organisation to manifest accomplishing setting up of WSH Management System.
Benefits of bizSAFE
- Provides a safe and healthy environment to all stakeholders
- Reduce accident/injuries in workplace
- Reduce compensation
- Boost employee moral
- Competitive edge in business
- Increase reputation and recognition
Contact us below and our experienced consultant will assist you in addressing your needs!!
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All organisation thrive to establish workplace safety and health to create a healthy environment for its employees. Commitment, accountability and participation from top management to grassroot employee can do wonders.
- Laboratory safety
- Develop Business Continuity Plan
- Establish WSH culture
- Behaviour Based Study
- WSH in Construction Industry
- WSH in Tunnelling Industry
- PPE Program
- WSH in Marine Sector
- Chemical management
- Fire safety assessment
- Contractor management
- Fire and explosion impact modelling using software
- Ventilation assessment (Local Exhaust Ventilation)
- General WSH inspection for SMEs
Contact us below for WSH services in following areas/sectors for us to know your needs and serve you to best of our ability.
1. Ergonomics assessmentErgonomics is the study of work. It is a science of designing for people. Ergonomics is all about providing comfort to human through physiologically study, psychologically strain minimization, anatomically improve posture, improve their workstation and workplace design and alleviate stress.
2. Indoor Air quality
IAQ studies primarily involved comparing indoor air to outdoor air. The level of outdoor pollution was a chief concern and the goal was to ensure that indoor air was of better quality than the outdoor air subjected to pollutants. Attaining optimum comfort is not practical. As a rule of thumb, the best one can hope to achieve is satisfying about 80% of the occupants.
Know if your productivity is getting affected or know if people are breathing healthy air?
3. Air Sampling (qualitative and quantitative exposure assessment)
Organisations are unaware of occupational hygiene exposure profile for different employees in the workplace. This may lead to complacency presuming employee exposures in the workplace may be viewed to be safe. Hence it is pertinent that any organisation have their exposure profile conducted for all employees set a platform to perform detail assessment at a later stage.
Don’t wait and know more about it.
4. Noise exposure assessment
Noise-Induced Deafness (NID) is the second most occupational disease in Singapore for the past two years. Under the WSH (Noise) Regulations, it is mandatory to conduct noise monitoring of people numbering 10 or above and are exposed to noise in your workplace.
Have you measured your noise level and are they within the limit?
5. Illumination Assessment
Lighting is one if an important aspect of workplace safety and health. Poor lighting conductions cause strain and affect productivity and have even caused an accident in the workplace.
Do you know if your illumination level is as per standards?
6. Biosafety for Labs and Hospitals
Microorganisms are the most potent and single microbe can cause infection and potentially be dangerous and fatal to anyone in your organisation. There is no specific threshold limit for biological contaminants and chances of spreading is higher.
Are you aware of your microbes around you that are detrimental?
OHSAS 18001 certification has been replaced with much refined and crafted ISO45001 certification. Change is inevitable and your company might need to migrate from already existing certification to ISO45001, which brings along with it changes in documentation which you may find it hassle.Do raise your stakes. Contact us below for a consultation and we will advise you.
Training has been one of the core requirements to raise your employee competency level and familiarise with on job safety and health issues which may otherwise remain unknown or hidden until it manifests itself in the form of accident.Why wait? Contact us below and we can assist you in developing a customised WSH training program that suits your organisation requirements.
Interested to learn more?
We are keen to be your mentor and guide your organisation through this journey. Allow our experienced consultants to help you achieve your company’s goal!
Leave us your details below for a non-obligated assessment now and we will be in touch with you shortly.