SkillsFuture Career Transition Programme (SCTP)

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SkillsFuture Career Transition Programme (SCTP) is a train-and-place programme designed to support mid-career individuals in acquiring industry-relevant skills to improve employability and pivot to new sectors or job roles.

At NTUC LearningHub (NTUC LHUB), SCTP trainees will acquire industry-relevant skills to enhance their employability and career resilience. NTUC LHUB works closely with our network of partners to provide career advisory services and support, thereby assisting trainees in navigating their job search.
Programmes Available
Funding is available for programmes listed below for eligible applicants.
Programmes under Information and Communications Technology (ICT)
SCTP – Associate Data Analyst

Full Time : 3 months  |  Part-Time: 9 months
Start Date: Mar 2023

Entry Requirements:
  • Minimum NITEC
SCTP – Associate Data Analyst

Full Time : 3 months  |  Part-Time: 9 months
Start Date: Mar 2023

Entry Requirements:
  • Minimum NITEC
SCTP – Agile IT Project Manager

Full-Time: 3 months  |  Part-Time: 9 months
Start Date: Apr 2023

Entry Requirements:
  • Minimum NITEC
SCTP – Associate UI/UX Designer

Full-Time: 3 months  |  Part-Time: 9 months
Start Date: Jun 2023

Entry Requirements:
  • Minimum O-Level
SCTP – Cloud Administrator

Full-Time: 2.5 months  |  Part-Time: 5 months
Start Date: Jun 2023

Entry Requirements:
  • Minimum Diploma
SCTP – Full Stack Java Developer

Full-Time: 3 months  |  Part-Time: 9 months
Start Date: Jun 2023

Entry Requirements:
  • Minimum Diploma
SCTP – E-Commerce Specialist

Full-Time: 2 months  |  Part-Time: 6 months
Start Date: Jun 2023

Entry Requirements:
  • Minimum NITEC
SCTP – IT Business Analyst

Full-Time: 2 months  |  Part-Time: 4 months
Start Date: Jul 2023

Entry Requirements:
  • Minimum NITEC
SCTP – Digital Marketing Specialist

Full-Time: 3 months  |  Part-Time: 9 months
Start Date: Feb 2024

Entry Requirements:
  • Minimum NITEC or "N" Level qualification
SCTP – Associate AI/ML Developer

Full-Time: 2 months  |  Part-Time: 4 months
Start Date: Feb 2024

Entry Requirements:
  • 21 years old and above
SCTP – DevOps Engineer

Full-Time: 4 months  |  Part-Time: 6 months
Start Date: April 2024

Entry Requirements:
  • Minimum Diploma
SCTP – Cybersecurity Associate (with capstone project)

Full-Time: 4.5 months  |  Part-Time: 9 months
Start Date: April 2024

Entry Requirements:
  • Minimum Diploma in IT/Computer Science
Funding is available for programmes listed below for eligible applicants.
Programmes under Information and Communications Technology (ICT)
SCTP – Healthcare Assistant

Full-Time: 3 months  |  Part-Time: 7 months
Start Date: Mar 2023

Entry Requirements:
  • At least 1 pass in GCE ‘O’ Level (any subject), or 2 passes in GCE ‘N’ Level in a relevant subject (e.g. Maths, Science, English) or, WPLN Level 5 (Speak, Listen, Read, Numeracy) and Level 4 (Write)
  • Certified medically fit for healthcare work
  • Fully vaccinated against Covid-19
SCTP – Therapist Assistant

Full-Time : 3.5 months  |  Part-Time: 7.5 months
Start Date: Mar 2023

Entry Requirements:
  • At least 1 pass in GCE ‘O’ Level (any subject), or 2 passes in GCE ‘N’ Level in a relevant subject (e.g. Maths, Science, English) or, WPLN Level 5 (Speak, Listen, Read, Numeracy) and Level 4 (Write)
  • Certified medically fit for healthcare work
  • Fully vaccinated against Covid-19
Funding is available for programmes listed below for eligible applicants.
Programmes under Information and Communications Technology (ICT)
SCTP – Data Analyst

Full-Time: Up to 3 months
Start Date: May 2023

Entry Requirements:
  • NITEC qualification
SCTP – Digital Marketer 

Full-Time: Up to 3 months
Start Date: Apr 2023

Entry Requirements:
  • NITEC qualification
SCTP – Digital Sales and Brand Ambassador 

Full-Time: Up to 3 months
Start Date: Apr 2023

Entry Requirements:
  • NITEC qualification
SCTP - Omnichannel Specialist

Full-Time: Up to 3 months
Start Date: May 2023

Entry Requirements:
  • NITEC qualification

SCTP - Outlet Supervisor

Full-Time: Up to 3 months
Start Date: May 2023

Entry Requirements:

  • At least 1 pass in GCE ‘N’ Level in a relevant subject (Maths, Science, English)
Application Process
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Funding is available for programmes listed below for eligible applicants.


Funding Scheme


Singapore Citizens / Singapore PRs ≥ 21

Base Subsidy1 

Up to 70% of course fee funding

Singapore Citizens ≥ 40

Mid-Career Enhanced Subsidy (MCES)2

Up to 90% of course fee funding

Singapore Citizens eligible for Additional Funding Support (AFS)3

Additional Funding support (AFS)3

Up to 95% of course fee funding

1. Base Subsidy - Eligible Singapore Citizens and PRs aged 21 years and above can enjoy subsidies up to 70% of the course fee.
2. Mid-career Enhanced Subsidy (MCES) – Eligible Singapore Citizens aged 40 years and above can enjoy subsidies up to 90% of the course fee.
3. Additional Funding Support (AFS)- Eligible Singapore Citizens that meet at least one of the following eligibility criteria can enjoy subsidies up to 95% of the course fee:
  1. Long-term unemployed individuals (unemployed for six months or more); or
  2. Individuals in need of financial assistance – ComCare Short-to-Medium Term Assistance (SMTA) recipients or Workfare Income Supplement (WIS) recipients; or
  3. Persons with Disabilities.

The eligibility for the additional funding is based on the status of the needy individual at the point of course start date. If class is postponed to a later date, the additional funding is based on the status of the needy individual at the point of NEW course start date.

For Self-sponsored Individuals:
  • Self-sponsored individuals can use their SkillsFuture Credit and Additional SkillsFuture Credit (Mid-Career Support) to offset the course fee payable after funding. 
  • Self-sponsored Singaporeans below 31 years of age can offset the course fee payable after funding with their Post-Secondary Education Account (PSEA). 
  • Self-sponsored NTUC Members can offset the course fee payable after funding with their Union Training Assistance Programme (UTAP) by up to $500, capped at 50% of course fee.
*Funding Terms & Conditions: To be eligible for funding, trainees must attain at least 75% training attendance for each module and pass all associated assessments.
Career Advisory and Employment Facilitation
In addition to the above training programmes, LHUB will support SCTP trainees to boost their employability with access to:
  • Thousands of jobs via AI-powered Career Agility Hub
  • Career advice on resume writing, interview strategies and techniques
  • Regular career fairs and webinars to meet potential hiring employers
Our partners include
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Our hiring partners include:
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For Employers: Recruit Trainees For Your Organisation
LHUB grows highly skilled professionals that cater to your company needs. With a curriculum designed based on industry benchmarks with a rigorous selection process, our graduates will be ready to deliver value to your business from their first day. By joining us as a hiring partner, you will gain priority in reviewing the portfolios of our industry-ready professionals and match with the best talent at 0% hiring fee.

Hiring partners will also be able to:
  • Publish job postings on Career Agility Hub
  • Sit in for class observations during SCTP trainings
  • Receive opportunities to interact with SCTP Trainees
  • Participate in career fairs and webinars organised by LHUB

Interested to join us a hiring partners? Reach out to us today at [email protected]

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is SkillsFuture Career Transition Programme (SCTP)?

SCTP is an initiative by SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG) for mid-career individuals to acquire industry-relevant skill sets that employers are looking for. It is a Train-and-Place programme such that the SCTP trainees will attend training courses and application ­centric work project-focused activities, and at the same time, programme partners will offer employment facilitation and career advisory services to the trainees.

2. How will SCTP courses be conducted?

The SCTP courses are designed to help trainees acquire industry-relevant skills that can improve their employability and allow them to pivot to new sectors or job roles. The delivery modes of the courses vary, but generally includes a combination of in-person training, online learning, and project work with mentorship.

3. Will SCTP lead to job placements?

As SCTP operates on a Train-and-Place modality, LHUB will provide career advisory and employment assistance to help trainees in their job search in relevant sectors or job roles. However, there is no guarantee of a job placement and trainees are encouraged to be open to the job opportunities available.

1.  Who can apply for SCTP?

The SCTP is open to all Singaporeans and Singapore Permanent Residents who are looking for training opportunities to transit to a new sector or job role. Both unemployed and employed individuals can participate in SCTP courses, as long as they can fulfil minimum entry requirement and training commitments, including minimum attendance requirements and passing of assessments.

2. Can individuals who are recent graduates / undergraduates / NSmen apply for SCTP?

Trainees have to be at least 21 years old (in the calendar year of programme commencement) to be enrolled into SCTP. Recent graduates / undergraduates / NSmen are welcome to apply for the programme, as long as they can fulfil minimum entry requirement and training commitments, including minimum attendance requirements and passing of assessments. As the SCTP is intended to help mid-careerists transit to new sectors or job roles, priority will be given to mid-career individuals.

3. Will trainees need to have certain minimum academic qualifications to sign up for the SCTP?

Trainees will be assessed by LHUB on their suitability for the selected courses prior to enrolment and academic qualifications will be one of the assessment criteria.

4. Will SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG) allow trainees, who did not manage to find a job after completing a course, to take up another course under the SCTP?

Yes, trainees who did not manage to find a job after completing the SCTP course will be allowed to take another SCTP course. However, the trainees will be subjected to LHUB’s assessment on their suitability for the SCTP course. Hence, trainees are strongly encouraged to select SCTP courses based on their career development needs with the aim of securing gainful employment. Individuals who require advice on the relevant skills training to undertake may sign up for one-to-one Skills and Training Advisory sessions via or this link

5. Are trainees allowed to take on part-time employment during the programme?

As the employment status of the learner is not an eligibility criterion for SCTP, there are no specific restrictions against trainees taking up part-time employment, as long as they continue to fulfil all the training commitments which include minimum 75% course attendance and the passing of assessments.

6. Are company-sponsored individuals eligible for SCTP?

No, only self-sponsored individuals are eligible for SCTP.

1. Do I have to pay for the SCTP? If yes, how much are the course fees and funding schemes available?

Yes, please refer to the price table under the respective SCTP programmes.

a. Baseline Subsidy - Eligible Singapore Citizens and PRs must attain at least 75% training attendance and passed all associated assessments to be eligible to enjoy up to 70% of the course fee. Learners will have to bear the full courses fee upon failure to meet either one of the requirements.

b. Mid-career Enhanced Subsidy (MCES) – Singapore Citizens aged 40 and above must attain at least 75% training attendance and passed all associated assessments to be eligible to enjoy subsidies up to 90% of the course fee.

c. Additional Funding Support (AFS)- Individuals must be Singapore Citizens and meet one of the following eligibility criteria:

i) Long-term unemployed individuals (unemployed for six months or more); or

ii) Individuals in need of financial assistance – ComCare Short-to-Medium Term Assistance (SMTA) recipients or Workfare Income Supplement (WIS) recipients; or

iii) Persons with Disabilities.

2. How can I apply for the additional course fee funding support?

You may let LHUB know if you meet the eligibility criteria for additional course fee funding support. The additional course fee funding support will be applied if you fulfil the eligibility criteria.

3. When do I have to pay the training fees?

The nett fees are to be paid upfront before the commencement of the training.

4. Can I use SkillsFuture Credit to pay for the training? What if I do not have sufficient credits?

All self-sponsored individuals can use their SkillsFuture Credit and Additional SkillsFuture Credit (Mid-Career Support) to offset the out-of-pocket course fees for SCTP.

5. Why is there no training allowance for the SCTP Programmes, unlike the previous programmes such as SGUnited Skills Programme (SGUS) and SGUnited Mid-Career Pathways Programme – Company Training (SGUP-CT)?

As per the FAQs listed on SSG’s SCTP website:

"Training allowance was provided under the SGUS and SGUP-CT programmes on exceptional basis to provide basic sustenance support due to the unprecedented disruptions brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic. As a steady-state programme, the funding for the SCTP is aligned to SSG’s prevailing funding model for its other training programmes. Hence, like most other SSG-funded programmes, no training allowance will be provided for the SCTP.”

SSG will ensure that SCTP course fees remain affordable. Additional course fee funding support of up to 95% will be provided to jobseekers with greater needs, and individuals can use their SkillsFuture Credit to defray the out-of-pocket costs of training."

6. Are trainees allowed to use their Post-Secondary Education Account (PSEA) to pay for SCTP?

Yes, PSEA may be used.

1.What if I do not meet the minimum attendance requirement, fail the programme or drop out of the programme midway? Will I be penalised or required to refund the course fee subsidy?

Trainees are encouraged to complete all modules under a SCTP to fully benefit from the intent of the programme. Similar to existing requirements for other training grants administered by SSG, trainees must fulfil minimum attendance requirements and pass the assessments to qualify for course fee subsidies. Trainees who are unable to meet these requirements, or exit the programme without a valid reason, may be asked to return the course fee subsidy that they have received, including any additional course fee funding support.

2. Can I drop out halfway if I find a job? Will I be penalised?

According to the SCTP programme policy, trainees are encouraged to complete all modules under a SCTP to fully benefit from the intent of the programme. Similar to existing requirements for other training grants administered by SSG, trainees must fulfil minimum attendance requirements and pass the assessments to qualify for course fee subsidies. Trainees who are unable to meet these requirements, or exit the programme without a valid reason, may be asked to return the course fee subsidy that they have received, including any additional course fee funding support.

Send an Enquiry
Have further questions? If you would like to speak to us, you may submit your enquiry here.
Note: LHUB reserves the right to make changes to published course information, including dates, times, venues, fees, and instructors without prior notice. Information is accurate at the date of posting (2 September 2022).