Digital Reboot: Digitalise Your Business Today

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Drive capability and growth with digitalisation to enable your organisation to stay relevant and competitive in the new normal. Be poised to capture new opportunities through improved productivity and efficiency. In this program, participants from your organisation will be introduced to enterprise software for the courses that they attend. Workplace learning consultancy will be available to organisations during the course to ensure that there is transference of what is learned to their work.  In addition, an online playbook provides adaptive step-by-step guide to the lessons to scaffold the needs of the trainees. Each course is an all-in-one package where there would be 2.5 – 3 days of face-to-face or remote learning followed by 2-month workplace learning consultancy sessions.  The consultancy sessions would be mutually agreed to 3-hr sessions every 2 weeks for each organisation. In total, participants are expected to be engaged in this program for up to 2 months and 3 days.
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  • Enabling Organisations To Communicate & Collaborate Digitally
  • Increase Productivity By Automatic Data Workflows And Processes
  • Grow Revenue Through Digital Marketing


S/N Course Title Synopsis
1 Workflow Automation Participants will learn how to build a business process and integrate business flows into forms with collaboration of a backend database.The course is designed to equipped participants with the basic skills needed to create a Microsoft Form integrated with Power Automate workflows. Upon course completion, you will be able to create an automated task that streamlines business processes embedded with an electronic method of storing and managing data.
2 Process Automation Participants will learn how to create robots to perform high volume data entry, send mass emails, extract data from applications and other time-consuming tasks easily done by a robot.Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is the technology that allows anyone today to configure computer software, or a “robot” to emulate and integrate the actions of a human interacting within different applications to execute a business process. RPA robots utilises the user interface to capture data and communicate with other systems in order to perform on a vast variety of repetitive tasks. The purpose of the NICF – RPA Primer (SF) is to ensure that the participant has gained knowledge of the RPA basic concepts and comprehended the core principles of RPA practices to integrate with different types of applications.
3a Data Processes and Visualisation Participants will be able to design models, create reports from various sources and embed reports into business applications.This course aims to equip participants with the knowledge and skills to analyse and visualise data for more informed and timely business decision making. You will be trained to extract and cleanse data, conduct data analysis, interpret results, apply visualization techniques, design data stories, create dashboards for supporting data-driven business decisions, and communicate data-driven insights to stakeholders.
3b Data Processes and Visualisation Specifically targeted at the F&B and Retail sectors, businesses will benefit from the Customer Analytics Platform (CAP) – a tool developed based on the national Customer Satisfaction Index of Singapore or CSISG. CAP allows and enables your business to measure and benchmark your customer satisfaction levels dynamically and in a data-driven fashion by providing both the data collection survey component and comprehensive analytics dashboards for management decision-making. This helps your organisation understand and leverage customer insights to improve your business performance. Participants will learn to:
  • Understand dynamically your customer satisfaction performance
  • Compare performance across your stores
  • Identify attributes with the most impact on customer satisfaction
  • Evaluate how you should prioritise your resources

Click here to find out more.

4 Digital Marketing Participants will learn how to set up an online presence and use SEO (search engine optimisation) and social media to increase their digital presence.This course adopts a hands-on approach to a set of 10 use cases of digital marketing that will help accelerate organisations into the digital space by ensuring a strong online presence with a wide reach to online customers. The course will cover several tools such as online site builders (e.g.wordpress), analytics tools (e.g. hotjar, google analytics), lead generation and automation tools (e.g. survey monkey, mailgun) and  serveval other.



We encourage your organisation to leverage on the available SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG) Funding and Enhanced Absentee Payroll (EAP) to embark on our carefully curated digitalisation tracks in partnership with FinLab UOB and Ngee Ann Polytechnic.

SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG)
Up To 90% Course Fees
Subsidy for Approved Courses

Enhanced Absentee Payroll (EAP)
80% of hourly basic salary
or capped at $7.50
(Terms and condition apply)

Training provider info:
ACRA-registered name: Ngee Ann Polytechnic
UEN number: T08GB0039A