
Course Duration

42.5 hr(s)

Mode of Assessment

A 3 hours assessment will be conducted by POLWEL at the end of the module. 2 hours for written test: 3 weeks after training and 1 hour for final interview: 1 week after written test

Who Should Attend

  • Security Supervisors with Full Advance Certificate
  • Security Agency Manager
  • Security Operations Manager
  • Chief Security Officer
  • Security Executives
  • PMET individual who meet the minimum requirement pre-requisites

What's In It for Me

  • Nationally recognized diploma in security management.
  • Gain knowledge and skills to conduct an effective security audit.
  • Recommend a series of cost-effective security solutions to clients confidently.

Courses Schedule

Next available schedule

Course Objectives

This course enables trainees to develop a set of skills and knowledge to conduct an effective security audit, and recommend a series of cost-effective security solutions. Trainee’s level of competency in security project management shall also be elevated.


  • Obtained Advanced Certificate in Security Supervision and at least a ‘N’ Level educational qualification
  • OR

  • At least an ‘O’ Level educational qualification with at least 2 years of working experience
  • OR

  • Participants with the following competency ratings from the Employability Skills are eligible:
    • Listening/Speaking Min. Level 7
    • Reading/Writing Min. Level 7
    • Numeracy Min. Level 7

Course Outline

Prepare for Security Audit

  • Analyse and understand rationale for conduct of audit
  • Define accurately audit objectives
  • Identify any constraints impacting on audit
  • Identify interests of regulatory bodies and other parties
  • Maintain confidentiality of information at all times

Conduct Security Audit

  • Conduct audit accurately to cover all physical characteristics, environmental factors and existing security arrangements of premises
  • Identify and assess accurately security and other risks against audit objectives
  • Review audit objectives
  • Document audit objectives, outcome and recommendations clearly
  • Present audit report to management within agreed time-frame

Confirm Security Requirements

  • Confirm security objectives are in accordance with security requirements, organisational plans, goals and audit findings
  • Assess performance targets, resource availability and operational constraints in security operational plan
  • Acquire and allocate resource and security systems/equipment requirements in accordance with operational plan
  • Comply with relevant legislative requirements pertaining to security operations
  • Comply with organisational requirements, pertaining to security operations

Co-ordinate and Monitor Security Operations

  • Use established organisational system to co-ordinate and monitor security operations against work schedules to ensure implementation is within stipulated time-frames and resources constraints in accordance with organisational procedures
  • Check maintenance plan for security systems/equipment is current and is carried out in accordance with system requirements
  • Check procedures are in place to meet exigencies in the event of system/equipment failure
  • Implement corrective actions for non-conformances consistent with organisational procedures and budgetary constraints
  • Check established communication channels and processes facilitate smooth flow of information

Review and Report Status of Security Operations

  • Review status of security operations and forward report with any further recommendations to appropriate person
  • Maintain records in accordance with legislative and organisational requirements

Certificate Obtained and Conferred by

Statement of Attainment (SOA) from SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG) will be issued for each module graded competent. SOA reflected as SEC-SRM-4001-1.1 Quality Assurance and Audit.

New Details

Medium of Instruction & Trainer

  • Lecture / Group Discussion
  • Case Study / Group Discussion & Presentation
  • Project Work / Group Discussion, Presentation and Individual Submission

Trainer : Trainee Ratio: 1 : 20


  Individual Sponsored Company Sponsored
      Non-SME   SME  
  w/o GST w GST w/o GST w GST w/o GST w GST
Original Course Fee $1,035.00 $1,107.45 $1,035.00 $1,107.45 $1,035.00 $1,107.45
Singapore Citizens & PRs aged


21 years and above

$517.50 $589.95 $517.50 $589.95 $103.50 $175.95
Singapore Citizens aged 40


years and above

(Mid-Career Enhanced Subsidy)

$103.50 $175.95 $103.50 $175.95 $103.50 $175.95


SkillsConnect Code: CRS-Q-0037821-SEC

Individual Sponsored

  • Eligible Singapore Citizens can use their SkillsFuture Credit to offset course fee payable after funding
  • Eligible Singapore Citizens can use their PSEA funds to offset course fee payable after funding
  • NTUC Union Members can use their UTAP Funding to offset course fee only after full deduction from their SkillsFuture Credit and PSEA funds (where applicable)

Company Sponsored

  • Absentee Payroll claimable by Non-SMEs: Up to 80% of hourly basic salary capped at $4.50/hr
  • Absentee Payroll claimable by SMEs: Up to 90% of hourly basic salary capped at $7.50/hr

SkillsFuture Credit

  • Eligible Singapore Citizens can use their SkillsFuture Credit to offset course fee payable after SSG funding

Union Training Assistance Programme (UTAP)

  • NTUC members enjoy UTAP* benefit of up to $250 each year when you sign up for courses with NTUC LearningHub

* UTAP supports 50% of the course fees paid cap at $250 per year. You must be a union member throughout the course duration and at the time of claim. You must achieve a minimum of 75% attendance for each application and have sat for all prescribed examinations. Other terms and conditions apply.

Terms and conditions apply. NTUC LearningHub reserve the right to make changes or improvements to any of the products described in this document without prior notice.

Prices are subject to other LHUB miscellaneous fees.

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